visar oljemålningar, skulptur och grafik på Galleri Kultur i Rödtornet den 2 april-20 maj.
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Christine Jacobsson
visar oljemålningar, skulptur och grafik på Galleri Kultur i Rödtornet den 2 april-20 maj.
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Christine Jacobsson
visar oljemålningar, skulptur och grafik på Galleri Kultur i Rödtornet den 2 april-20 maj.
Vernissage skärtorsdagen
den 2 april kl.18.30
Sång cello och tramporgel av Kajsa Norrby och Hjördis Farstrand
Galleri OmbergLördagsmys - Öppna ateljéer vid Omberg!
Köp konst och konsthantverk direkt i konstnärernas ateljéer. Kombinera en härlig höstdag på Omberg med att besöka oss konstnärer när mörkret lägger sig. Vi har öppet mellan kl 16.00 och 21.00 lördagen den 11 oktober. Här är kartan:
exhibition:House of Dance, Hunnerbergsgatan Operating Happiness
Christine Jacobson portrays joy of dance in different art expressions.
Welcome to view her art
in the House of Dance!
Cost: Free admission
Organizer: Municipality of LinkÖping.
2013 Greetingcard.
Now you can order a Christmas card from me ... the models of the cards can be blah see 2 on Karin's business and 3 MIx in Vadstena. Call for more info. The cards cost 10 SEK (1,10 Euro)each.
Nu kan man beställa julkort av mig...förlagorna till korten kan man bla se 2 på Karins affär och 3 på MIx i Vadstena. Ring för mera info. Korten kostar 10 kr (1,10 euro) styck.
December 2013 - exhibition opening at the Peruvian consulate in San Francisco (USA).
Jag är för närvarande i Peru vid en strand utanför Lima. Jag har sökt inspiration till min konst i detta fascinerande land. Jag förbereder en konstutställning med 20 oljemålningar med inspiration av Peru. Jag kommer att ge vidare information om när och var jag kommer att ställa ut mina målningar. Och ni kommer att se mina målningar på hemsidan.
I am currently in Peru, pù precisely at a beach near Lima. I have sought inspiration for my art in this fascinating country. I am preparing en exhibition with 20 oilcancases with inspiration from Peru. I will publish more information about when and where my paintings will be exhibited and you will be able to see the paintings on my homepage.
Actualmente estoy en Perú, más concretamente en una playa cerca de Lima. He buscado la inspiración para mi arte en este fascinante país. Me estoy preparando en exposición con 20 cancases aceite con la inspiración de Perú. Voy a publicar más información sobre cuándo y dónde mis pinturas estarán en exhibición y usted será capaz de ver los cuadros en mi homepage.
Sono attualmente in Perù, più precisamente in una spiaggia vicino a Lima. Ho cercato ispirazione per la mia arte in questo affascinante paese. Sto preparando una mostra con 20 quadri ad olio,con temi e soggetti di isparazione Peruviana.Pubblicherò ulteriori informazioni su quando e dove i miei quadri saranno esposti e si sarà in grado di vedere i dipinti sulla mia homepage.
Breaking News - Noticias de última hora - Ultime Novità :
Christine Jacobsson, Artist. Christine Jacobsson was born in 1981 on Kasta Länsmansgård, a farm outside the small town Vadstena in Sweden. This year she is working with a peruanian artproject in Peru that will be exhibited in USA. Christine graduated with honor after five years at Accademia delle Belli arti in Venice and in Florens. Her final vote was 110 of 110. Christine has received financial assistance from the Swedish Institute and the Italian Department of Foreign Affairs.
Amore Infinito
Christine seeks to represent an infinite gratitude and love in all her artistic works, “Amore l’infinito”. In May 2009 Christine experienced much success with the project Startpoint organized by Accademia delle belle arti. Among other things she hung her blue background Amore l’infinito at the Galleria Fritelli in Florence. In the simple she here finds answers to the complex.
2001-2002 Diploma of Italian language and culture, Perugia
2002-2006 Language studies at Uppsala Universitet, Uppsala
2003-2006 Rhetoric Consultant Major at Södertörnshögskola, Stockholm
2006-2009 Bachelors of Fine Art at Accademia delle belli arti, Florence
2009-2011 Masters of Fine Arts at Accademia delle belli arti, Venice
Art foundations
2005 Busolis Travel Scholarship for studies promoting culture
2007 Busolis Travel Scholarship for studies promoting culture
2007 C.M. Lericis Scholarship for artistic work on the children’s author Gianni Rodari
2007/08 The Swedish Institute’s Country Specific Grant for one year of art studies.
2007/08 Anne Whitlocks Scholarship for art education
2007/08 Petersenska Hemmets Scholarship for artistic work
2008 Helge Axelssons Scholarship for artistic work
2009 Fredrika Bremer’s Scholarship for artistic work
2009 The Swedish Institute’s Grant for one year of art studies.
Art Commissions, Distinctions and Exhibitions
1997 Fantasia in blu’demonico, Vadstena library
2002/04 Scenography for the musical Robin Hood and The Clandestine, Fano, Baia Domizia
2006 Exhibition on the Italian children’s illustrator Gianni Rodari, Florence 2009 Installation at Galleri Fritelli organized by Startpoint, Florence
2009 The Exhibition ”Futuribili”, a manifestation celebrating the 100-year jubilee of futurism
2009 Exhibition at Accademia delle belli arti, Florence
2009 Participated in a surrealist collective exhibition, Magazzino del sale, Venice
2009 Recieved Il Tito och Marias Contis premium, Florence
2009 Selected for the art competition L’altro corpo, with the painting, Venice 2010 Official opening of Christine’s Gallery, Kasta Länsmansgård, Vadstena 2010 Konstrundan, “The Art Walk”, Vadstena stadsmuseum, Vadstena
2012 Member in Ombergs konstrunda
Member of KRO
Christine Jacobson nació en 1981 en Kasta Länsmansgård, una granja cerca de la ciudad de Vadstena, Suecia. En 2011 asistió a una Maestría en Bellas Artes en la Academia de Bellas Artes de Venecia, donde se graduó con una puntuación de 110 puntos sobre 110. En 2006 comenzó a estudiar en la Academia de Florencia, y en 2009 se graduó con una puntuación de 110 puntos sobre 110. Él recibió asistencia financiera del Instituto Sueco y el Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Italia.
Amor Sin Fin
Amor Sin Fin Se trata de representar una gratitud infinita y el amor en todas sus obras artísticas, "l'Amore infinito". En mayo de 2009 Christine experimentado mucho éxito con el punto de inicio del proyecto organizado por la Accademia delle Belle Arti. Entre otras cosas que ella bajó la bluebackground l'Amore infinito en la Galleria Fritelli en Florencia. En el sencillo aquí que encuentra respuestas a lo complejo.
Christine Jacobson è nata nel 1981 a Kasta Länsmansgård, una fattoria nei pressi della cittadina di Vadstena, in Svezia. Nel 2011 ha frequentato un Master of Fine Arts presso l'Accademia delle Belle Arti di Venezia dove si è si è laureata con la votazione di 110 punti su 110 . Nel 2006 ha iniziato a studiare presso l'Accademia di Firenze e nel 2009 si è laureata con la votazione di 110 punti su 110. Ha ricevuto assistenza finanziaria da parte dell'Istituto svedese e il Ministero degli Affari Esteri italiano.
Amore Infinito
Lei cerca di rappresentare una infinita gratitudine e l'amore in tutte le sue opere artistiche, "l'Amore infinito".
Nel maggio 2009 Christine esperienza molto successo con il progetto Start Point organizzato dall'Accademia delle Belle Arti. Tra le altre cose ha appeso il suo bluebackground l'Amore infinito alla Galleria Fritelli a Firenze.È nel semplice che trova risposte alla complessità.
Buy artwork - Köp konst - acquista opere d'arte - comprar obras de arte
Do you like my Art? Well, then you can ask for a free quote. Select the work you like and send me an email. I will send you all the information you need regarding price, size and material.
I also provide reproductions of my works on: small magnets, postcards and copies of painting. Check my webbshop and take a look of my creations.
I try to turn dreams into reality. If you have a dream that you want to be realty you can order you special desired paintings for yourself or as a present.
All this artworks are for sale in form of reproductions in different sizes.
1 45x57 cm with glas and white frame 490 kr (54 euro)
2 19x24 cm with glas and white frame 180 kr (24 euro)
3 80x64 cm with glas and white fram 790 kr (88 euro)
can also buy some of my originals that you see here and order your own designed painting in oil or watercolour. Please send me a mail for information about the prizes.
Art Techniques
På konstakademierna i Florens och i Venedig lärde jag mig att använda alla möjliga material och tekniker för att få fram obegränsade fantastiska effekter. Jag målar i olja och akvarell och skulperar i marmor, glas, plast, keramik och brons. Jag utför grafik på traditionellt vis såsom kopparetsningar som ligger olika länge I olika vätskor och som man sedan trycker på fint papper I en tryckpress. Jag tycker också mycket om experimentell grafik där jag jobbar med att bygga upp dimensionella motiv på en plexiglasskiva. Jag har även kunskaper i mosaik och affreskmålning.>
Academy of Fine Arts in Florence and Venice, I learned to use all kinds of materials and techniques to produce unlimited amazing effects. I paint in oil and watercolor, I create sculptures in marble, glass, plastic, ceramic and bronze. I work with graphics in both a traditional and experimental way, like copper engravings, woodcuts, aquaforte acquatinta, punta secca, xilografia ect. I create experimental graphics on a plexiglas. I also have the knowledge of the mosaic and fresco.
…”I have the honour to give a critical comment on the Swedish painter Christine Jacobsson
artworks. Christine graduated with a master in fine arts from Florence and Venice 2011.
Before that she studied languages and communication at Stockholm and Uppsala university.
In Stockholm she also studied classical and modern dance for several years.”
“… her extensive and substantial professional training allows hers great versatility of
expression in her painting.”
Ms. Jacobsson spent four months in Peru. “During her travels, she gained a unique
appreciation of the values in the arts and culture of my country. Her new understanding of the
qualities of Peruvian art has enriched her own artistic endeavors.”
“her curiosity and love of learning prompted her to take a pre-Columbian themed class in
fresco painting techniques. In this course, Ms. Jacobsson gained a new understanding of the
strong influences of pre-Columbaid Art on modern art forms.”
Christine Jacobsson shows excellent ability to work in the classical style and mastery
in the use of color…we can appreciate in her paintings her ability to harmoniously use
complimentary colors, as well as double and split complementary color groups. Her use of
these colors enriches her work, providing freshness and luminosity to the painted surface.”
“The artist has an excellent ability to pull together diverse elements within her paintings into
a strong, unified composition…she shows great imaginative strength and creativity in dealing
with the diverse formal, chromatic and compositional elements which are notable in her
“Her Study of Ballet and Modern Dance lend to her work a palpable sense of rhythm,
proportion, and movement which she transmits to her artwork naturally and spontaneously.”
We notice in the artwork well achieved contrasts, excellent positioning of the center of
interest and a happy, joyful, sincere and spontaneous expressivity. The composition of her
paintings is impeccable and their colors are clean and translucent. She applies the golden
number, or golden proportion, confidently.
Ms. Jacobsson is a young artist that works hard to grasp new aesthetic experiences to enrich
her creations. I know for certain that she will be a success, and that her artwork will enrich
humanity, something which it sorely needs, and that her pieces will realize Dostoyevsky’s
assertion: “beauty will save the world.”
Juan Villacorta Paredes,Professor in art, Lima, (Perù).
Christine Jacobsson is a painter of intense sensitivity: her paintings depict a range of feelings in the world of emotions that is invisible for most people. Trademark characteristics of her paitings are the vivid delicacy of their contrasts, the lightness of their shapes, the cleanness of their colors, the subtle spatial representation of their forms, the general luminescence of their images. Her style continues evolving while she travels around the world looking for subjects for her art. Recently, she visited Peru and the local landscapes, animals and people are now envisioned by her new paintings. Careful attention should be paid to the artwork of this painter who has a unique and enlightening visual expression of her surroundings and her inner cosmos.
Doctor of art,Jorge Villacorta Santamato,Lima (Perù).
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Tankar om min konst
I min konst är jag inspirerad av den genuint svenska kulturen och naturen och mina erfarenheter I andra länder som t ex Italien. Min ambition i konsten är att skapa min egen verklighet baserad på fantasi. Fantasin är en konkretisering av mina riktiga minnen och erfarenheter. Genom att måla kan drömmar bli verklighet. Mina ljusa barndomsminnen och min kärlek till livet tror jag utgör grunden för min konst. Jag älskar att kombinera och använda mig av båden ny och traditionell teknik. Ja tror att konsten i framtiden måste arbeta gränsöverskridande för att överleva. Min ambition är att min konst i slutändan kan ge andra lika mycket som den har gett mig.
Mitt konstnärsskap innehåller mycket fantasirikedom och kärlek till livet.
Himlavalvets vackraste diamantstjärna kan man se endast om man själv har månskensögon. Diamantkonst kan man alltså endast uppleva om man har en hög koncentration av fantasi och om man känner tacksamhet till livet. Man är då helt enkelt Måndränkt som hon uttrycker det.”
Jag hoppas att andra som ser min konst ska kunna känna hur det är att regnbågsdansa bland molnen och att solskenstraska på smultronstigarna i fantasins underbara verklighet. Jag vill representera en oändlig kärlek till livet.
“Måndränkt i konstnärlig kärlek Amore linfinito” Anna Emelie Christine
My thoughts Biography art
In my art I am inspired of the genuine Swedish nature and culture and my experiences in other places for example Italy. My goal in art is to create my own reality based on fantasy. My own world made of imagination comes from my real memories and experiences. Everything can become a reality even the unreal by just dreams and brush movements. My bright childhood memories and my love towards life is the basis of my art. I love to combine and use new and traditional technologies. I believe that art in the future must work across borders to survive. The intention is that my art will give others as much as it has given to me.
My art is full of fantasy and love for life.
The most beautiful diamond star in the celestial sphere can only be seen by those with moonlight eyes. Diamond art can thus only be experienced by those with a high concentration of imagination and a profound gratitude towards life. That is being Moon-steeped, as I call it.
I wish that viewers of her art will experience what it is to“rainbow dance” among the clouds and “sunshine stroll” among the berry paths of the wonderful realities of imagination.
I want to present an infinit love towards life.
“Moonsteeped in artistic love Amore l´infinito” Anna Emelie Christine
Mis pensamientos sobre el arte
En mi arte me siento inspirado por la naturaleza y la cultura sueca y también a mis experiencias de vida en otros lugares, como en Italia. Mi meta en el arte es crear mi propia realidad, basándolo en la imaginación. Mi mundo de fantasía viene de mis recuerdos y experiencias reales. Cualquier cosa puede convertirse en una realidad, incluso lo irreal, que toma los sueños y los movimientos de un cepillo. Mis recuerdos de cuando yo era un niño brillante y mi amor por la vida es la base de mi arte. Me encanta combinar y utilizar las tecnologías nuevas y tradicionales. Creo que el arte en el futuro para sobrevivir tiene que evolucionar más allá de los límites conocidos. Mi intención es asegurarse de que mi arte se transmiten las emociones que me dieron cuando yo estaba haciendo en las obras.
Mi arte está lleno de imaginación y amor por la vida.
La más hermosa y brillante estrella en la esfera celeste es un diamante y sólo puede ser visto por aquellos cuyos ojos se iluminan con la luz de la luna. "Arte Diamond" por lo que sólo puede ser experimentado por aquellos que tienen una alta concentración de la imaginación y una profunda gratitud por la vida.
Como yo lo llamo es la etapa de "Imersi en la Luna".
Espero que los espectadores de mi arte podrán experimentar lo que significa "Rainbow Dance" en las nubes y el "paseo por el sol" en el camino de la maravillosa realidad y la fantasía.
Quiero presentar un amor infinito hacia la vida.
"Artísticamente inmerso en el" amor de la Luna (Moonsteeped) l 'El Amor Infinito "Anna Christine Emelie
Il mio pensiero sull'Arte
Nella mia arte mi ispiro alla natura e alla cultura svedese ed anche alle mie esperienze di vita in altri luoghi, per esempio l'Italia. Il mio obiettivo in arte è quello di creare la mia realtà ,basandola sulla fantasia. Il mio mondo fatto di fantasia viene da i miei veri ricordi ed esperienze. Tutto può diventare una realtà, anche l'irreale,bastano i sogni ed i movimenti di un pennello. I miei ricordi luminosi di quando ero bambina e il mio amore verso la vita sono la base della mia arte. Amo combinare e utilizzare le tecnologie nuove e tradizionali. Credo che l'arte nel futuro per sopravvivere deve evolversi oltre i confini conosciuti. Il mio intento è fare in modo che la mia arte vi trasmetta le emozioni che dato a me quando realizzavo le opere.
La mia arte è piena di fantasia e amore per la vita.
La più bella e luminosa stella nella sfera celeste, è un diamante e può essere vista solo da chi ha gli occhi illuminata dalla luce della luna. “Diamond art “ può quindi essere sperimentata solo da chi possiede una elevata concentrazione di fantasia e una profonda gratitudine verso la vita.
Come la chiamo io è la fase di “Imersi nella Luna-“.
Mi auguro che gli spettatori della mia arte potranno sperimentare cosa vuol dire "Danza Arcobaleno " tra le nuvole e la "passeggiata al sole" tra i sentieri i meravigliosi della realtà e della fantasia.
Voglio presentare un amore infinito verso la vita.
"Artisticamente immersi nell’ amore della Luna (Moonsteeped) l’ Amore L'Infinito" Anna Emelie Christine